22 09 2012


By Tsvetana Yvanova

The story behind this work is long. It started in the spring of 2010.

I was asked often – Why did you sculpt the President?
The main inspiration behind the President’s sculpture portrait are Mr. Obama’s character, individuality and intelligence.
As an Artist – for portraiture, I am attracted to subjects, who posses a unique blend of character features, which are seemingly unrelated, but in reality are deeply interconnected. Mr.Obama’s features are of such nature. His contained radiance, his charisma stems from his deep belief and his deep caring for all Americans, regardless of age, financial status and color. This universal quality comes from the depth of his desire to awake the passion of millions and sparkle a call to action to make a difference –this is what made him inspirational.

When a person with such global vision ignites an idea, which comes from this love and compassion for all people – people follow. He managed to begin restoring the world’s respect and admiration for America – so tarnished during the previous presidency.
The historical fact that Barack Obama is the first black President is indisputable. This fact has a significance within our country and outside its borders. With in the US – it gave hope to all who have given it up – outside the US – his election proved to the world that America has changed and all the
shadows of the dark past were just that – shadows.

On a personal level – I have discovered subtlety in Mr. Obama’s character qualities, which make him more powerful. His kindness, his calm and collected demeanor blends with the resilience and enhances remarkable strength that he possesses. Artistically, I am only interested in the character of a subject, so I can give the sculpture a personal presence . In the case of Mr. Obama – this was not an easy task, since I have never met him in person. When I finished it in clay, one viewer made a remark , I will never forget “ Oh my God – he is ready to talk?”. This gave me the assurance that maybe I have accomplished my goal

That evening it was also the first time anyone would view the President’s Portrait in bronze. For all who viewed it that night, I hope I have created and image of a remarkable man, whose personal presence inspires and at the same time makes us ask ourselves questions. One question comes to mind: How far are we willing to go to make the United States of America the greatest country in the world once again? Are we ready ? Can we do it? We all know the answer.

Yours Truly,


For The ArChronicle

Tsvetana Yvanova Sculpts Barack Obama

17 08 2010

Video of  Sculpting A Visionary

The Barack Obama Portrait is completed – and the few minutes of videotaping are showing the  final touches – they are  interesting to watch as well. It was quite challenging and exciting experience  to constantly  study the features of a historical figure such as Barack Obama – regardless of one’s belief system  – one thing is certain – Mr. Obama is a historical milestone in the American history, that marks  a change in the way America  thinks and the way the world perceives America. A Visionary.

By clicking on the highlighted link, you may view the YouTube Obama Art Video or  click here for  Tsvetana Yvanova’s YouTube channel.

Hope you enjoy the video! Tell us what you think of the  image?

I can tell you this – in real viewing – people’s behaviour becomes a bit more  respectful, as if the President himself is there and not a sculpture of him . . . . Subtle, but eloquent! That is a real  seal of approval for me.

Your truly,
