13 04 2018

This Limited Edition art book has been in the making since year 2010. This delay was caused by distracting circumstances, that turned out to be also very destructive. As a result, one of my cherished pieces I was working on, titled “Veritas Omnia Vincit”, that I planned to be prominently feBOOK 1atured in this book, was accidentally damaged while still in clay.
The long months of work on the 5 foot sculpture, is that portrayed and enthusiastic figure, full of joy, with arms victoriousy stretch towards the sky, will be a cherished experience. It will not be featured in this book evening clay …. But this unfinished work was a part of the reason not to postpone the publication of the book any longer. Somehow it prompted me to act.

This book is about art expressions. My personal expressions as an Artist , are revolving around two things – philosophical search for an inner  freedom and the human emotional search for self- definition. Partial answers to my questions have been heavy emerged in the process………without a love for our world, dream for the future of humanity and our planet, there is no truthfully existence,  no truthful self-definition…. It all starts with inspiration. It all starts with a dream, followed by love, clad any determination.

I invite you, the art lover and aren’t viewer, to indulge in your very own emotional discovery and ultimately become a part BOOK 2of my search for answers.  The book encompasses a period of my work for about 15 years.

The Art Book signing event  is scheduled for May 9, 2018  from 4 to 7 pm  in the City of Calabasas. This event is by invitation – however , feel free to  RSVP to attend!  The Library doors will be open! Look for your Invite in the e-mail and /or mail! 

We will be displaying  some of the bronze sculpture portraits as well as a small number of the large scale paintings, in addition to the two dozen short art videos created through the years. . We’re looking forward to creating a beautiful event that will complete a 15 year period,  devoted to portrait sculpture with  and expressionistic large scale portrait paintings and abstracts ,  in order to open the road to my new artistic  journey of contemporary  and conceptual  geometry. There will be light refreshments and  all around good vibes served.  See you then!

Yours truly,

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Yvanova, The Author

PS. For those of you who couldn’t make it –  this is the Amazon link to view and purchase the book. Thank you!


25 08 2014

At last! It has been quite a few years since I have started planning the publication of this book. Planned as a monograph – with some insights and personal experiences surrounding the creation of each work – along with high quality photography by Kelsey McNeal- this book is long overdue. It marks symbolically my formal entering into the sphere of multidisciplinary blend of contemporary public art and  landscape, art and architecture. The book is a crowning completion of a decade devoted to figurative sculpture, portraiture and large scale abstract painting. The format is large – 11 by 11 inches, hardcover with a dust jacket. It is the first of a possible series published by The ArtChronicle. A few other California Artists/Sculptors are already been selected for this art book  series.
BOOK CARDS WHITE newPublishing is planned by high quality printing company MIRA Publishing  in in Missouri. As soon as the final touches are added – and the newest sculpture titled ICON is finished and photographed – it is ready! Indiegogo campaign is in storeandthe rewards are THREE Sample PAGES -amazing in their value! Please stay tuned for the INDOEGOGO fundraising campaign, which will feature exciting gifts , from signed posters , unique and stylish experiences like tickets for a concert and/or diner for two at well known places in Beverly Hills and similar exclusive locataions to sculptures, especially remastered for the occasion.

Stay tuned! Exciting news ahead!

Tsvetana, for ArtChronicle